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Case Studies

Success stories and feedback from happy clients.

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I was six months into my self-employment journey, having just launched a mobile app and getting ready to start a new part-time job. I was proud of what I had accomplished to that point, but I lacked confidence in how to approach the many challenges ahead with growing the business and balancing life. I saw Matt’s free coaching session offer on LinkedIn and had been seeking collaborators for Heydai. I initially reached out thinking we’d discuss mutual opportunities but continued because of how immediately Matt’s approach helped me grow. Through working with Matt, I’ve gained the confidence to advocate for myself and expanded my mindset on how to approach any situation. I’ve improved the way I prioritize amidst never-ending busyness and learned to recognize helpful vs. unhelpful patterns in my life, which has led to reaching my goals faster. In six short months, I’ve transformed from a people-pleaser who struggles to balance all the things into someone confident in their value and approach to life.

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Although I had already been planning to start my own non-profit, it was just an idea when I started working with Matt.  When I got laid off, I was pushed head first into the work, and I was terrified and didn't know where to begin. I chose to work with Matt because he has an energy that is open, welcoming, and nonjudgemental.  Within 3 months of working with Matt, my non-profit was approved, we raised $50,000 in fundraising and contracts, and had 3 partnership meetings on the books.​ I highly recommend working with Matt!  Especially if you need support in building the confidence to go out on your own, understanding your money mindset, and communicating like a leader.  I think my non-profit would still be an idea if I wasn't working with him.

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I was starting from a place of doubt, insecurity and fear of what it might take in order to move a project at work forward as well as continuing to find joy and excitement in my career. In my work life overall, I was noticing myself getting stuck in a rut. In the short amount of time that I worked with Matt, the tools I received and the results that I later achieved have added greatly to the improvement in my overall energy levels and have helped breath new life into the projects I lead at work. Matt helped me to understand that the steps that I was already taking and qualities that I was already demonstrating were in fact qualities of an effective leader. I would absolutely recommend working with Matt. I appreciated his presence, his ability to facilitate a space for me to be reflective and his thoroughness in making sure the goals of our session remained clear.

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Matt helped me face that I was being too hard on myself. I've done that all my life.  Pivoting back to being on task with my vision in life: relationship, motivational speaker, entrepreneur IN ACTION! I'm grateful for my hour sessions with Matt. This process helped me gain  focus on what I want in my life. I'm gifted in developing programs for populations challenged with mental health, trauma and addiction. Since meeting with Matt, I'm on point communicating with leaders nationwide. Coaching from Matt allowed me to look at what I'm denying, meaning I've identified what I did not previously see about myself.

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Whether you're ready to get started or have further questions about how this could work for you, the introductory consultation is complimentary. Click the link below to schedule a free introductory meeting. I can't wait to work together!

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